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You CAN be of service AND be Abundant! 


Is it time to start putting yourself first and stop showing up in the world as everyone's servant? 


If this is you I totally get you, because I was you!!!


I have recently Beta tested a brand-new service which I will be rolling out very soon called ‘Abundance Activation’ sessions, within these sessions I witnessed different types of archetypes revealing themselves, but the archetype that stood out the most and is playing havoc with your self-worth and finances is -




The 'Servant' is at everyone’s beck and call, ready to serve, but serving from a place of being the ‘servant’ - she feels less than, not good enough and believes she needs to do more and be more to be worthy and valued.


If this archetype is playing out in your life, you will recognise yourself here…


  •  Undercharging and OVER GIVING

  •  Repeatedly BURNING yourself out

  •  SELF sacrificing

  •  Lacking in FUN & JOY

  •  Constantly supporting EVERYONE

  •  NOT prioritising your dreams & desires 


This woman often has another ‘job’ which drains her energy and distracts her from doing what she would truly love to do but because she isn’t valuing herself or her gifts she cannot see how she can abundantly support herself. 


Do you recognise yourself here?


I recognised that she has been a strong archetype for me and one that I've been around the block with many times - No More! 


Stop being a ‘servant’ and instead step fully into the empowered gifted woman that you are.


You have a choice moving forward, make it a conscious choice.


Awareness is KEY and I will be shining a light on how this archetype is showing up for you and holding you back in so many ways during my brand new 'Release your No 1 Money Block Workshop'!


We will bring healing for you by recognising and releasing this archetype and by inviting you to open up and be fully available to abundantly receive with more ease, joy & flow, giving you the freedom to create the life and purpose that lights you up and feels truly aligned.


I invite you to join me for the RELEASE YOUR NO 1 MONEY BLOCK Workshop

 - ON REPLAY (Zoom recording) 


The cost is just £22!!












Here are some reviews from my successful previous group containers...



‘I took part in Sam Lyndley's Chiron the wounded healer course.

I had been working on healing the inner child & family karma, so it was a perfect time for me.

The insights Sam brings into our childhood wounds, & familial & ancestral wounds- are like light bulb moments. She guides you gently through the path of self discovery & healing.

With gentle meditations, sacred private space, to exchange with others on the course.

You are listened to & valued, it is one of the best courses I have done'




'I just wanted to write this beautiful review to let you all know that I did Chiron the wounded healer with Sam and wow! I do intuitive art and after Chiron I actually went from feeling like I was forcing my art work to it totally free flowing and feeling natural and definitely not forced. I have also been selling my art which is a beautiful bonus and a complete turn around. With Sam's help I am now moving forwards and have healed many wounds and I continue to do so. Anyone thinking of joining Chiron course I would definitely recommend.

Thank you Sam you truly are wonderful and have helped me no end'


Christine Clarke 


'I learned that my patterns of behaviour were the story that I’d been telling myself this is why I was repeating behaviours over and over again. By doing Chiron it really made me understand why I felt the way I did. How to heal and finally move forward with my life. I highly recommend this course to anyone that’s ready to be on their healing journey. 

Sam Lyndley is such a beautiful amazing soul who took me on this journey of self discovery and to realise that I can heal and move forward. Massive thank you, 10/10'


Julie Peers 


'The Chiron healing was amazing, I learnt so much about patterns I had taken on from my childhood, my ancestors, and past life, and by realising them, I was able to work through them.... I kept getting more realisations coming up, each day after the healing sessions, and it’s so good to have the sessions to redo, so much comes up each time I do.. my life has improved so much with doing this healing, and Sam is so wonderful in the sessions, they’re very easy to do, and her meditations are 2nd to none, thanks so much Sam Lyndley can’t wait for the next one'


Alison Crosskey 









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